A few weeks ago I was the happy and humble recipient of the Liebster Award! It's an award that originated in Germany (I've since found out that "liebster" means favorite) to help people discover the hidden gems to be found in little-known blogs. It is awarded by a previous recipient; a fellow blogger who likes your blog and would like to share it with others. Each recipient then pays-it-forward by awarding it to 5 more bloggers whom they admire and would like to share with the world. ( You are not obligated to pass it on - if it's not your thing, no worries!)
The only rules are; 1. You thank the person who awarded you and link back to their shop; and 2. The blogs that you pass the award on to must have less than 200 followers. I think it's a great idea to help some of us lesser-known but totally worthy bloggers to be seen and heard!
In my case, Palomasea of Gypsy in Me (one of the bloggers I follow for her beautiful images and words of inspiration) passed the award on to me. If you haven't visited her blog, I urge you to do so! You will surely find something there (a beautifully presented picture or a simple yet poignant phrase) that will spark your own creative energy.
It has taken me a few weeks to pass on the award, as I'm experiencing some interesting life changes (one of which is a decision to move cross country!) which prevented me from having the time to write an appropriate response and present the award properly. (More on that at another time!) So, without further ado, here are the blogs I have chosen. It would be lovely if you would visit them and comment on their work. They all have something in common; they are hard-working folk making time to create something beautiful, courageously putting themselves out there, generously sharing their vision.
Diane of the Singing Swan; Folks, I cannot tell you what this awesome gal has been through and bested in her life as it is not my story to tell, but suffice to say that I admire her greatly for her spirit and courage. We met online a couple of years ago, and though we have never actually met in person (she lives on the other side of the country) I count her as one of my dearest and most treasured friends. She lives in a remote mountainous area and doesn't always have access to things some of us take for granted (like high-speed internet or sometimes even hot water). She is an amazing photographer, quilts, sews, draws, writes - and just plain has a unique outlook and common-sense wisdom that I love. She started a blog, and soon thereafter experienced computer woes, so there are only a couple of entries there. I think it would be so lovely if a bunch of folks were to visit her blog and comment upon it in the spirit of generosity, so that when she does find a way to check in, or better yet gets that dang computer (she likes to call it "confuser") fixed, she will have a wonderful surprise waiting for her there!
Cindy, of The Slumbering Herd; Simply put, I fell in love with her "Beasts"! She draws these wonderful, quirky, colorful intriguing creatures called Beasts, and my eyes and heart and mind just can't get their fill of them! She writes just a little bit of a storyline about each, which only serves to draw me further in to their mysterious life. We belong to a team on Etsy called Doodlers Doing Doodles (cuz ya know I love to doodle!). In the course of admiring her work and sharing conversations, we have become good friends. I so think her Beasts deserve a much wider audience! Go on, take a peek! Then come back and tell me how right I am! :)
Singleton of Just Give Me Peace; Ohhhh, this gal with her freewheeling imagination and generous peace-lovin' hippie spirit! She takes me back to a less conservative version of myself and reminds me to live the life unconventional. She is also a member of the fabulous Doodler's team and the founder of the "Porch Party". It's a sweet little place, filled with objects created in our shared imagination, where we can go and just hang out and dip our toes in its cooling rejuvenating waters. "Huh?", you say. Check out her blog - then you'll understand! But your life may never be the same!
Lilah from Vegan Food, Art and Music; This gal is a chef, an artist, has a shop on Etsy, and is a Mom! And yes, she is also a member of the fantastic Doodler's Team! I have a special affinity for her work as she also draws coloring pages. I love the quality of her drawings - the lines are light and airy and freeeee. A word about the recipes - just reading the last one (vegetarian pineapple upside-down pancakes) made me gain weight! (Okay, that's an exaggeration, but my mouth watered!)
Oh, shoot, I can only pick one more! Well it has to be.....
Zenobia Southcombe; Zee is one of the first bloggers I met, who took me under her wing and showed me the ropes. She is an artist (I love her Pirate Ship painting) and a teacher and possessed of a generous spirit. She encourages other artists by showcasing their work and interviewing them on her blog. She introduced me to the notion of Guest Blogging, and then did a swap with me, wherein which she shared Facebook tips with my guests. She also interviewed me as an artist and posted some of my work. She is very passionate about teaching, which is something she and I have in common. But I must warn ye, she has a liking for pirates, so beware when you visit her blog, that ye not find yourself on the morrow, swabbing decks beneath a Jolly Roger, at sea with no land in sight!
Well, that is all for now. I do have some major changes occurring in my life, which I will share at another time, cuz this blog post is about my friends. Please visit with them and shower them with love and good wishes, as they are a good-hearted bunch!
Oh for goodness sake! Such nice things you wrote about me. How the heck am I supposed to follow that? Also, you used up all the other blogs I follow, LOL.
I wonder how long the Lovely Blog Award has been going around and who started it. Maybe I should go see if that person has more than 200 followers. Ok, here's what I found out! If you google Lovely Blog Award, many blogs that won it come up (I think the earliest I saw was March). But anyway, that's pretty neat because now we will show up on that list and also I can go visit them to see if they're neat.
You're very welcome, Lilah.
Hi Cindy,
There were a few bloggers we know I couldn't include cuz I could only do 5 according to the rules I was given. I was hoping you (or Lilah or Peace) might mention them.
Ok, I had a bit of confusion about whether it was the "Lovely Blog Award" or "Liebster Blog Award". Both very nice things! I looked up the Liebster and it seems very similar. For one thing, people modify the rules to suit them! lol
But thank you again for the kind words and I shall try to do the whole thing justice. ;)
My fault, Cindy, as I first named this post "Lovely Blog Award" without knowing there actually is a blog award by that same name! Thanks to you I have renamed the post so no confusion. :)
Wow!!! A real award for just being me!!! How cool. Now I have to go find a blog or two (or five) that I will deem worthy of this award and I'm in worse shape than Cindy. I'm so new to this I haven't even had the time to look at many others, but I'll go find a few.
And I send great big thanks. Without a mentor like you, I'd be here in the boonies followin' about behind all the little animals, which is fun when you remember to take the camera along.
I do hope that in the future I make my blog worthy of more than three followers and more than worthy of this award. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Sheryl Dear,
Thank you for visiting me! I get giddy in libraries and bookstores. Just giddy!
The midnight Birthday supper idea was in that book, doesn't it sound fabulously decadent and romantic?
Thank you so much for mentioning my blog and for such KIND words, Sheryl.
I absolutely love visiting you and soaking in all of your literary and artistic brilliance.
I will check out the blogs you mention right away.
Sounds like an exciting time for you, a move cross country! Please keep us posted and the absolute best wishes to you.
- Irina
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