My good friend and fellow Doodler, Cindy, (from The Slumbering Herd) has been nagging - er, um, encouraging me to give Illustration Friday a whirl. Illustration Friday (IF) is a site that posts a weekly "prompt" for Artists to use as an inspiration for an illustration. Cindy has been quite persistent in her efforts, despite my equally persistent procrastination. Last week, her stubborn - er, um, I mean patient, efforts finally paid off and I submitted my first work of art.
I'm hooked! It's really fun to see what twists other artists come up with in responding to the prompts. Many of them choose non-conventional and totally unexpected interpretations that lead to chortles and chuckles and other forms of merriment. Laughter is good for the soul!
I also love getting a glimpse of someone else's imaginary world. It stretches the boundaries of my own little universe and inspires me to think and draw in different ways. Thus, my overly-dramatic title for this post...
Anyway, I decided to enter my "Guardians of the Enchanted Forest" for this weeks prompt, "Suspense". You may have to look closely to see the Guardians. (Hint - they are not the little owls.) They are a bit camouflaged in the tree bark, altho I gave them a darker tone to stand out. Once you spot them you might notice their ominous glowing-green eyes and tense posture. Obviously they have someone under observation. Your guess is as good as mine as to what they have planned. Thus, the "Suspense".
I'm glad you're enjoying IF! It's true I harassed you, but in a nice way. This is a great entry! I really like the moody colors, the cute little owls and then those mysterious figures with their great poses. (I fear the photo/scan does not show the vivid green eyes, so we will have to imagine them!)
My internet is still down at home (3 days! - supposedly they are coming out today) and it is very sad. :(
Always in the nicest way! It's so easy for me to get completely caught up in day-2-day happenings and neglect doing the things that are my greatest joy! it's good to have a friend who reminds me of what is important to me!
Argh! Technical difficulties are the most annoying! Hope it's up and running as promised later today...
This is absolutely LOVELY! HI THERE! Thank you for coming to visit today and with such a kind word. I do hope that my messages touch a human heart, and may we always celebrate one another. DRAW AWAY!!!! Anita
Very appealing image! I love tree-spirits. To be honest, I can rarely look at a tree without seeing a face somewhere at least, so a part of me really does think of them as semi-human! (I'm mostly rational, really I am.)
I also like the palette with the pinkish brown against the blue.
Curuious Art,
Thank you for your comment. I know! The trees and shrubs (and who am I kidding - everything really!) always look like they're dancing or stretching or any number of ambulant-being activities. Once i saw these really scrawny trees growing along a desert road and i swear they looked like they were crawling onto the road begging for water!
Ok - what can I say about your own art? Just visited and joined cuz I can't wait to see what you do next. I think the word is "enthralled". Yeah, that's it!
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