
Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Life - New Art

                               I like this new painting! The woman is looking forward to the future.

She is  determined  to create a life of her own choosing - forging a path through a sometimes confusing and seemingly chaotic universe.


She's not delusional - experience has taught her it won't all be Rainbows and Unicorns!

  Still, she looks forward to the challenges that lay ahead; wishing for strength and courage against the darkness; humility and grace in the golden glow of good fortune.

   To all who have wished me well upon my journey, I am so thankful for your friendship and good wishes. It makes all the difference in the world! I hope that I can do the same for you, should you be in need.

* I entered this painting in the weekly challenge over at Illustration Friday. It seemed to fit the topic for the week, which was "Forward".

Saturday, January 14, 2012

To New Beginnings...

   Am I too late, do you think, to raise a glass, to ring in the New Year? Please excuse me if I'm slightly disheveled and somewhat discombobulated. I know I'm late, but I'm finally here!

   And where exactly is that, you might ask - that is, if you still had any interest at all, after so long an absence; 4 months in fact! You might also ask (if you had noticed and were so inclined); "What's up with your blog?" and " Why did you change the colors?" and "Why did you change the name?"

   Well, it's a tale. You could also think of it as a tail; that seems to be a more accurate description of the accumulated experiences that have attached themselves to me, following me around wherever I go! (I digress. It's one of the perks of having no one to edit your remarks but yourself.)

   Since we last met, albeit (love that word) only internetically (a newly-coined word, soon to go global) I feel as if I've accumulated enough new experiences to put a few kinks and twists in my already-lengthy tale/tail. I won't bore you with the details (only with run-on sentences, self-indulgent use of extraneous vocabulary and frivolous comments) but you can suss it out by scrutinizing the following mysterious word clues!

Underwater (Hint: Not the wet kind. Think Real Estate)
Loss of Habitat (Hint: Some mammals require more square footage...)
Downsizing (I'm pretty sure that's a new-ish word. Might not be in the dictionary, yet. Maybe the Urban one...)
Migration (Hint: Some species move across an entire country, usually following a pattern dictated by the weather, loss of habitat and/or financial duress.)

   So, after a few twists and turns; I have a new home; 2 of my 3 dogs are with me ( a very sad paw-note is that my good old dog didn't make it, but she was going on 16, so...); some of my family is here, others are yet to follow; I've had a long-anticipated re-union with my parents and other loved ones; it's taken me awhile to get my art-butt in gear, but it's coming along with encouragement and support (ya' know, Etsy is a pretty nice community of folks); I'm looking for a job in Early Childhood Education because I love working with kids and need to help support my family; and I'm continuing to write and make art. And friends. :)

   But (you say) that doesn't explain the strange color changes on my blog, does it? Well, just chalk that up to "Artists License". I use that a lot. Mostly when I make mistakes. Let me know what you think of it. Is it too dark? For some reason I like the drama of both pale and bright colors against a dark background. Or does it look cheesy, like a velvet painting?

    Anyway, I hope you'll forgive me my tardiness and welcome me to the party. I brought some new art, just to say "Thanks for listening to my tale/tail" and for sticking with me all the way to the end!

   I hope you don't mind if the glass I raise is not the proverbial flute of bubbly, but a heavy, ceramic mug, full of piping hot cocoa. It's a bit nippier, here in my new habitat.